Discover The 9 Least Obedient Dog Breeds

Bernese Mountain Dog: Originally bred for farm work, these gentle giants are now beloved companions, especially for families. While they're generally calm, they may develop a strong attachment to one person.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: These toy breeds are perfect for city living with their quiet and friendly demeanor. They're well-suited for apartment life and rarely make much noise.

French Bulldog: Happy apartment dwellers, Frenchies require minimal exercise and are content with brisk walks. Their playful nature doesn't translate into excessive barking.

Bulldog: Similar to Frenchies, Bulldogs are laid-back and prefer lounging on the sofa. They're not known for barking much and may need some encouragement to get moving.

Basenji: Known as the "barkless dog," Basenjis make little noise but may vocalize with unique yodel-like sounds when they do.

Borzoi: Elegant and quiet, Borzois are described as "catlike" by the American Kennel Club. Despite their calm demeanor, they can sprint at impressive speeds.

Scottish Deerhound: Tall and dignified, Scottish Deerhounds have moderate energy levels and enjoy outdoor activities followed by long naps.

Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier: These dogs may bark when necessary but are known for their enthusiastic greetings rather than excessive barking.

Shiba Inu: While they're famously depicted in memes, Shibas are generally quiet dogs, except for the occasional "Shiba scream."